Our Collection
As I photographed and organized Carl’s collection, I created separate documents that grouped similar items together. Carl collected Antique Kroeber Mechanical Clocks, but was also fascinated by the late 19th century experiments with battery clocks and the early 20th century Art Deco clocks. The Ingraham clock company continued production through both of those periods. Since Carl had so many of them, I created separate documents for each of those makers. Other antique mechanical clocks that Carl had in working order and ready for consignment and those that Carl considered easily repairable are in a document called Antique Mechanical Clocks. The Electric Vintage Clocks document showcases mostly Art Deco clocks that go back almost 100 years.
There are still others that I guess Carl was planning to work on, but did not get to. I wondered what to do with them. Should I put them in a document or put them out for the trash? The Wonder Clocks features these items. These mechanical clocks are all more than 100 years old and the electrics are almost 100, so I couldn’t bear to dispose of them without seeing if there was someone who could use them, fix them, and enjoy them.
Besides the mechanical and electric clocks, Carl had some Quartz clocks, books and catalogs about clocks and all kinds of parts of clocks, both new and used. Finally, Carl was a collector of all kinds of unusual vintage items. I put these together in the Vintage Collectibles document. You can view each document separately from the home page.